So you think you're a lioness but you're not sure. You have passion, you have ideas, you have vision. But maybe you aren't sure. Maybe you've never thought in those terms. Maybe you're nervous about embracing that persona.
Here's a quick quiz to check if you are a lioness. For each item, answer on a scale of 1 to 5 based on how much you identify with the sentiment:
1 = not really
2 = a little
3 = sometimes
4 = yes
5 = VERY!
(1) There is a burning issue in society that I am very passionate about and would like to fix or improve.
1 = not really
2 = a little
3 = sometimes
4 = yes
5 = VERY!
(2) I dedicate a significant amount of time -- often unpaid time -- to working on this issue.
1 = not really
2 = a little
3 = sometimes
4 = yes
5 = VERY!
(3) I talk about this issue a lot -- at family get-togethers, on my social media, sometimes even to myself!
1 = not really
2 = a little
3 = sometimes
4 = yes
5 = VERY!
(4) I feel like I have ideas and perspectives that can help fix the problem, and I wish there were more people in the world acting on my ideas.
1 = not really
2 = a little
3 = sometimes
4 = yes
5 = VERY!
(5) I sometimes think that if I had enough followers, I could really make a difference.
1 = not really
2 = a little
3 = sometimes
4 = yes
5 = VERY!
(6) Sometimes, I don't speak out because I'm afraid. I'm afraid of being annoying, or sounding angry, or making a mistake.
1 = not really
2 = a little
3 = sometimes
4 = yes
5 = VERY!
(7) I wish I had more power in the world to make the impact I know I can make.
1 = not really
2 = a little
3 = sometimes
4 = yes
5 = VERY!
(8) I know I have important things to say but I need help getting my ideas out there.
1 = not really
2 = a little
3 = sometimes
4 = yes
5 = VERY!
30-40: READY TO ROAR! You are a powerful lioness ready to find your power in the world! You have the passion, the vision, and the drive to make a real difference in the world. What are you waiting for? Publish that book!
20-30: ALMOST THERE! You've got a lioness in you but you're still holding back. Why? What are you afraid of? Have a conversation with your inner lioness and find out what she is worried about. She wants you to let her out! She wants you to write your book!
10-20: WORKING ON IT. You are starting to germinate your ideas. There is an issue that you want to dedicate yourself to, but you're holding back. Why? Give yourself some time to grow and think. What is it that you really want to do?
0-10: STILL A CUB: You're still growing. You haven't yet found that voice in yourself. Perhaps you need some inspiration. Pick up some of our books. Read about other women making great changes in the world. They will help you find your path and find your voice.
Want to talk about it some more? Contact us -- info@lionessbooks.com